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Netanya Penthouse 5 rooms 168sqm Terrace 86sqm Lift Parking x2 Apartment for sale in Netanya
5.750.000 ₪ For Sale (₪)
Netanya Penthouse 5 rooms 168sqm Terrace 86sqm Lift Parking x2 Apartment for sale in Netanya
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Netanya Penthouse 4 room 122sqm Terrace 78sqm Apartment for sale in Netanya
3.700.000 ₪ For Sale (₪)
Netanya Penthouse 4 room 122sqm Terrace 78sqm Apartment for sale in Netanya
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Netanya 5 room 130sqm Balcony Apartment for sale in Netanya
2.800.000 ₪ For Sale (₪)
Netanya 5 room 130sqm Balcony Apartment for sale in Netanya
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N0012,  Project Sea Park

  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park
  • Project Sea Park

Ref # : N0012

For Sale (₪) From 3.280.000 ₪

Project Sea Park

New project in Netanya

In the sought-after neighborhood is Netanya Sea Park

Payment schedule benefit 5%-95%

Open sea view.

Rich technical specifications.

Proximity to educational institutions.

Quick access to the coastal road.

Next to the project it is planned to build a spacious, beautiful and well-invested park.


Construction is underway...

Huge 5-room apartments:

Starting from NIS 3,280,000

Apartment net 136 square meters + balcony net 16 square meters.

In addition to each apartment there is also a warehouse and 2 private parking spaces.



4 room apartments

Apartment net 101 square meters + balcony net 15 square meters

In addition to each apartment there is also a warehouse and 2 private parking spaces.


Project end date : December 2025


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